Love Poems

  1. Love
  2. Love Poems
“God’s Gift To Me” Poem written by Kerry R. DeVore. You are my sunshine.You are my shining star.Everything I’m not,You are. You make me laugh.You make my heart smile.Everything you doMakes life worthwhile. You give lovingly.You always have cheer.Everything you areI hold dear.You are so sweet.You are so very kind.Everything I cherish,In you I find. […]
  1. Dating
  2. Relationships
“I loved you first: but afterwards your love” BY CHRISTINA ROSSETTI Poca favilla gran fiamma seconda. – DanteOgni altra cosa, ogni pensier va fore,E sol ivi con voi rimansi amore. – PetrarcaI loved you first: but afterwards your loveOutsoaring mine, sang such a loftier songAs drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.Which owes the other […]



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